Yes, the holiday continues now, but what are you truly thankful
for, at this very moment? Food, football, friends and fun? Perhaps. Is that
enough? Let’s all stop and take a deep breath right now—freeze time for a
moment. What are you thankful for right now?
Giving thanks and being thankful—that’s what Thanksgiving is dedicated to each year. I’m
especially thankful for my family, those present and those
gone before me, for infusing a spirit of gratitude for every gift of love and
time shared with people I love in my life. But one thing we can likely all
agree on as a reason to be grateful, is that the best time of the
day is finally sitting down at the dinner table with family, whether
it's just two of you or a huge family, around a perfectly set table with your best china, or folding card tables with paper plates (but
only the good, sturdy kind, of course!)
Sarasota is my hometown and I am fortunate enough to have an amazing group of people in my life that I am truly thankful for. My business as a Realtor in Sarasota, Florida relies on the recommendations and support of those close to me, and I want to take a moment and say a heartfelt thank you to to Re/Max Alliance Group and to all of the loyal people who continuously support me. And to my wife, Liz, who is the wind beneath my wings, and to my family and friends. I would not be successful without all of you.