Yes, the holiday continues now, but what are you truly thankful
for, at this very moment? Food, football, friends and fun? Perhaps. Is that
enough? Let’s all stop and take a deep breath right now—freeze time for a
moment. What are you thankful for right now?
Giving thanks and being thankful—that’s what Thanksgiving is dedicated to each year. I’m
especially thankful for my family, those present and those
gone before me, for infusing a spirit of gratitude for every gift of love and
time shared with people I love in my life. But one thing we can likely all
agree on as a reason to be grateful, is that the best time of the
day is finally sitting down at the dinner table with family, whether
it's just two of you or a huge family, around a perfectly set table with your best china, or folding card tables with paper plates (but
only the good, sturdy kind, of course!)
Sarasota is my hometown and I am fortunate enough to have an amazing group of people in my life that I am truly thankful for. My business as a Realtor in Sarasota, Florida relies on the recommendations and support of those close to me, and I want to take a moment and say a heartfelt thank you to to Re/Max Alliance Group and to all of the loyal people who continuously support me. And to my wife, Liz, who is the wind beneath my wings, and to my family and friends. I would not be successful without all of you.
I finally did it. I cut the cable. My wife and I have been talking about this for at least a year and spent a lot of time deciding on which streaming service best fit our needs. Even before Covid, our main form of entertainment has been television. While we love going to Raymond James to watch the Bucs or to Tropicana Field to watch the Rays, we really love having to only walk steps to the kitchen or the bathroom...not to mention binge-watching our favorite TV series.
As we were going through the cord cutting process, we marveled at how many streaming stations we all have access to these days. And since I’m an ‘old fart’ it brought to mind the fact that when I was a kid, in Sarasota we had a total of three stations to choose from…and NO remote control!! These three channels were accessed with the good old rabbit ear antenna (sometimes with tin foil attached) which sat on top of the big square box TV. I can visualize it now, rabbit ears spread wide in a horizontal position, aluminum foil wings on the ends of each antenna while below, Ralph Kramden was threatening to send Alice to the moon. And then came a huge technological marvel...the outdoor antenna that could be rotated by a control inside the house! And the picture was black and white…I remember watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon on our little black and white TV.
Here’s a little history of TV
broadcasting. The first American TV station began broadcasting on July 2, 1928,
but it wasn’t until 1953 that WSUN went on the air in St.
Petersburg (and went dark in 1970), followed by WTVT in Tampa and WFLA, which went
on the air in 1955 and are still broadcasting locally as an NBC and FOX
affiliate respectively. In my one and only bid for stardom, I as den chief, with the help of my parents, took my little cub scout group up to St. Pete to be on the Captain Mac Kids show on channel 38. It was really so corny looking back, but very exciting at the time.
Back to the cable. In the early 1960’s, George Storer ventured into the cable television
business in the early 1960’s and Storer Communications became the first
cable I remember in Sarasota. This of course added lots more stations and…we
had a ‘clicker’ remote control! Storer Communications continued to operate as a
cable television company until the assets were split between Comcast and TCI in
the mid 1990s. So we went to Comcast for many years, then Verizon which sold
out to Frontier. TV’s became bigger and flatter and high definition has made
watching football an awesome experience.
So…we did it! We cancelled Frontier (other than the highspeed router) and now and not only is our cable bill less than half of what it had been, we have more channels than ever with the various apps we chose. It has taken a little getting used to, but we are totally happy with our decision. This is yet another instance that everything these days is internet driven and thing will continue to evolve. It’s been an interesting ride from rabbit ears and clickers to speaking into my remote control to find pretty much anything we want to watch! It will be interesting to see where it all goes in the future.
Then there was the Space Shuttle era. My wife and I drove across the
state more than once to see it blast off. What a powerful feeling to experience the
ground shake and the sky light up and see the bright streak across the sky. Over 30 years,
NASA's space shuttle fleet—Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and
Endeavour—flew 135 missions and carried 355 different people to space. As humanity's
first reusable spacecraft, the space shuttle carried people into orbit
repeatedly; launched, recovered and repaired satellites; conducted cutting-edge
research; and built the largest structure in space, the International Space
Station. And now we have commercial and private space transportation with the SpaceX Dragon
and the like. Have you seen the SpaceX booster rockets land simultaneously back
on a barge in the Atlantic? Fascinating, as Spock would say!
Man's interest in space started long before the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Humanity's interest in ‘the heavens’ has been universal and enduring. Fascination with the idea of people going into the sky for adventures in other worlds goes back to ancient myths. Science flourished during the European Renaissance. Fundamental physical laws governing planetary motion were discovered, and the orbits of the planets around the sun were calculated. In the 17th century, astronomers pointed a new device called the telescope at the heavens and made startling discoveries.
And humans are still driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. And now, we are on Mars! Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists. Robotic missions have found evidence of water, but if life exists beyond Earth, it still remains a mystery. And I love a good mystery!
Future historians will likely view these pioneering flights
through the solar system as some of the most remarkable achievements of the
20th century.
We have the NASA app installed on our smart TV and iPads and routinely watch the latest. Also, I highly recommend at trip to The Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral if you haven’t been yet! And until we make the move to live in
space, I am still available to help you buy and sell homes in Sarasota, Florida
and surrounding area!
Sanibel is a barrier island less than two hours south of Sarasota
and very much worth the drive. It is 12 miles long and 3 miles wide (at its
widest point) and is connected to the mainland by a long causeway bridge. As a
comparison, Siesta Key is 8 miles long and much wider.
Sanibel is known primarily for shelling and my wife was in
heaven. She has a huge shell collection, some of it passed down from her
grandmother to her mother. But…she can’t go to the beach - any beach - without picking up
shells. Shells have been around for more than 500 million years. People have
used them for musical instruments (conch-shell trumpets), spoons, jewelry, and
even money. A shell is the protective layer or external skeleton that once
surrounded soft-bodied animals. Most seashells are mollusks, a group of animals
that includes snails, clams, oysters, and mussels. These animals make shells by
growing a thin protein layer over their body, like your fingernail. Then the
layer hardens, forming a shell. When an animal dies or loses its shell, the
shell may be washed ashore and this is certainly the case on Sanibel Island,
more so than most any place in the world. In fact, it has been referred to as the
“Sea Shell Capital of the World! Why? It's because it’s one of the very few
islands that run perpendicular to the state of Florida, whereas most islands
run the same way as Florida, which causes the ocean currents to have the
beaches primarily flushing water downward.
As a vacation spot for someone who grew up in Sarasota, home of the world famous Siesta Beach, the slower pace of Sanibel reminded us of Sarasota from years past. And…we love to eat! Surprisingly, there are almost 50 restaurants on Sanibel so there is no way you will starve! Two of the many places we highly recommend are Traditions on the Beach and Doc Ford’s Rum Bar and Grille.
Doc Ford’s was one of the reasons for the trip. It is owned by one of our favorite authors, Randy Wayne White and we had been wanting to visit for a long time. His books are modern day Travis McGee adventures, which were written by Sarasotan John D. McDonald in the 50’s and 60’s. The main character in Randy’s books is Doc Ford, a marine biologist who lives in a converted fish house on Sanibel and in his secret life, he is a former government agent who still ‘disappears’ on covert adventures. The best part of this book series is all the history of Florida and lots of education about marine life and Florida’s natural wonders.We also visited J. N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
and viewed the largest mangrove area in the United States…6400 acres, along
with abundant wildlife to include 220 bird species! So…lots to do on this
lovely little island! Make plans to visit there soon - it's a great get-a-way for a day or a week!
I am overdue for posting my Blog/Newsletter because I was finishing up some Spring projects, including repainting and rescreening our lanai before the Summer humidity hit. We had the screen company remove all the screens and metal except the support posts and scheduled the new cage and screens for one week later. Then we completely emptied everything so we could pressure wash and paint. Painting a ceiling is fun…not!
Once we finished all of that, we had the new cage and screens installed and opted for what is called ‘picture window’ screens. This means no horizontal metal to interrupt our view of the lake, so we have been sitting on our butts a lot enjoying the fruits of our labor. That’s my excuse for skipping a newsletter last month! While lounging in the breeze, jalousie windows popped into my head since those were common in Florida before air conditioning. This also relates to the Newsletter I wrote awhile back about the history of air conditioning in Florida. Along those lines, I recently sold a home to a client in Bradenton that included FPL’s “Net Metering” and I had a chance to learn more about that system. So our topic for this month is about languishing in the breeze and when it gets too hot and humid that it sends you inside, a new program to save energy and dollars on your A/C bill!
So what are jalousie windows you may ask? According to Wikipedia, jalousie is the French word for jealousy. It originated in 18th century France from the Italian word geloso, which means jealous, or screen, as in to screen something from view. Supposedly because of their slatted louvres, jalousie windows protect the interior of the house from jealous peering eyes – permitting one to see without being seen.
Jalousie windows maximize natural ventilation by allowing
airflow through the entire window area. Historically made only of wooden slats
or glass panes, they are well suited to mild-winter climates. With mass
production they became very common throughout homes in mid-20th-century
Florida, Hawaii, southern California, the deep South, and Latin America. In
cooler regions they were rapidly adopted to porches and sunrooms. They were
also widely used in mobile homes during the 1950s and 1960s before most manufacturers
began switching to sliding and sash windows in subsequent decades. It’s also
called a louvered window, and this style consists of horizontal panels, either
made of glass, plastic, metal, wood or other window material that sits on a
track on the window’s frame. The
operator uses a crank or knob to open and close these horizontal panels,
letting in plenty of air. Picture the panels similar to a windowed version of
Venetian blinds and its slats, and there you have it: jalousie windows.
The jalousie window first made its debut in the early
1900s. It was originally patented in 1901, but it had a slow start to catch
on. Sometime in the late 1960s, jalousie
windows had begun popping up on homes, especially in the south. With the
style’s horizontal panels that opened a home up to a passing breeze, these
windows were perfect for letting the air-flow inside to cool off or to
substitute for the lack of air conditioning during hot summers. Both my wife
and I grew up in Sarasota in homes that had no AC and we had jalousie windows
all around.
The jalousie window didn’t just hit its stride in the 60s in the southern states. In the colder parts of the United States, you would see jalousie windows on enclosed porches, gazebos, and sunrooms across the Midwest and Northern U.S. Jalousie windows also struck luck in the realm of mobile homes. Mobile homes and trailers, strapped with limited space and most with no air conditioning, found that they can benefit from space-saving, ventilating jalousie windows. Almost a decade later, homeowners started to turn away from the jalousie window style. By the time the 1970s hit, the majority of American homes had air conditioning.
As much as we may enjoy the natural breeze outside in Florida, the time comes when the humidity smacks us in the face and we retreat inside to air conditioning…and the increase in the electric bill. But there is a way to lower that bill. Net metering allows FPL (Florida Power and Light) customers who connect approved, renewable generation systems such as solar panels to the electric grid, to buy and sell electricity to FPL. When you generate electricity from your solar array for your home or business, it reduces the amount of energy you purchase from FPL, and in turn, lowers your monthly electric bills. If your system produces more energy than you need, the excess power is sold back to FPL’s grid. That amount of energy is deducted from your monthly bill or credited toward a future bill in the same calendar year. In my clients case, the solar array is creating a reduction of 80% off his monthly bill. Not bad! Click here to learn more!
I'm headed to the lanai with a cold drink in my hand...hope you are enjoying a summer breeze of your own!
This excerpt is taken from an article in South Tampa Magazine and I used it because I could not have said it better. Bok Tower is one of our favorite places to go for a day trip, especially in the Spring. It's only a two hour drive, and we always take a picnic lunch…and our little doggie, Tiki.
Lake Wales is home to Bok Tower Gardens, which stands on the highest point in the state of Florida. A Singing Tower with a 60-bell carillon, and a haven for birds, plants and wildlife will entrance you. Built in 1929 by Edward W. Bok, the tower was constructed of pink and gray marble from Georgia and coquina stone from St. Augustine. The tower is rich in carvings depicting the flora and fauna of Florida.
The tower houses a carillon of fifty-seven bronzed bells ranging in weight from 17 pounds to nearly 12 tons. Surrounding the tower are 157 acres of landscaped gardens. The gardens took over five years to complete and President Coolidge dedicated them in 1929. He called it Bok’s gift to the American people.
Carillons are typically found in towers or churches. The historic Bok Singing Tower is 205 feet tall. And then there’s the carillon. A carillon is kind of like an organ, but powers the bells which will serenade you several times a day. A keyboard and pedalboard are connected between key and bell clappers that respond based on the amount of force applied. The carillon plays concerts at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. daily and brief digital performances fill the garden every 30 minutes. Be sure to view the video below for a close-up look at the bells, the carillon, the tower and the gardens.
At Bok Gardens, something is always in bloom. Among its many resting spots, shady recesses,
sweeping lawns and meandering paths, there are acres of flowering foliage, such as camellias, azaleas and magnolias. I can barely get my wife away from the plants. Liz has even emulated the air plant display they have (see photo) and the 'living screen' hangs on our lanai.Bok said his goal was to create a place that would “touch
the soul with its beauty and quiet.” The end result, Bok Tower Gardens, is
considered by some to be among the nation’s most inspiring and uplifting
attractions, one where time seems to stand still. “This is nature’s show, not ours,” reads a sign outside the
Window by the Pond observatory. To fully enjoy the garden’s beauty, one only
needs to sit still long enough to smell the grass, listen to the wildlife or
stop and smell the flowers.
Gardens may or may not be your thing. You may not have a burning desire to explore them, but you would be making a mistake if you don’t. Every inch of the garden is pristine. The colors pop out, and the sweet scents pierce your nose. Everyone will appreciate the design, and for sure, you will feel a calmness. It’s not just about a tower. It’s a historical landmark, a sanctuary, a park, and most important, it’s divine. Well worth the admission cost and well worth the drive to Lake Wales. If you’re a Floridian like me, and you’ve not visited, shame on you…GO!!
Click Here for info about visiting and definately take a look at this great video about Bok Tower Gardens! Happy Spring!
Are you thinking about buying a house in Sarasota, Florida and becoming a snowbird or a full-time resident? Maybe trading in your snow shovel for a beach umbrella to plant in the sugar sand on Siesta Key? Or giving up skiing and trade that for boating along the West coast of Florida? Whatever your goal, whether it be a full-time or part-time Florida resident, looking for a home in any new location requires that you become knowledgeable about your environment in very different ways.
When I meet with a new client who has never lived in Florida, they usually ask about things like hurricanes, alligators, sharks and the like. When you read about real estate in Florida, you may also worry about sinkholes and one of the good things about the Sarasota/Bradenton Area is that you don’t have much to worry about.
Look at the map of the sinkholes in Florida - notice the pink areas which indicate where the fewest sinkholes have been reported. On the West coast there are very few below Tampa. This regional map depicts sinkhole locations that have been reported since 1954 by the Florida Geological Survey Series No. 110. It does not show all sinkhole activity in Florida, but you can get a pretty good idea of how widespread this problem…but not in our area!So exactly what are sinkholes? For more than 60 million years, ancient shallow seas covered what
is now Florida. Factors relating to the chemistry of the water and the
chemistry of the plants and animals that lived here resulted in limestone being
deposited beneath these ancient seas. Eventually, the seas lowered to where they
are today, leaving a base of predominantly limestone bedrock covered with sand
and clay for us to live upon.
Sinkholes are part of the slow, natural process of erosion in Florida’s limestone terrain that occur over thousands of years. These common geologic phenomena generally occur where the limestone is within a few hundred feet of the land’s surface. Sinkholes can form anywhere in Florida, but the highest activity level occurs in west central Florida because of the limestone environment. There are several influences that increase the risk of sinkhole activity such as long-term weather conditions, heavy acidic rains, and drought-like conditions.
It’s been almost 10 years since a notable sinkhole has occurred in Sarasota - this one was in Venice and prior to that one, another in 1989. Despite all the problems sinkholes produce, they are a natural part of the ecosystem. Historically, although not a guarantee, the Sarasota area has had a significantly lower occurrence of sinkholes than other parts of Florida, particularly in the Tampa and Orlando areas. Feel better?
I am a lifetime Sarasota resident and have never filed a claim for hurricane damage...or a sinkhole! So when you get tired of the cold weather and decide to head south, Sarasota, Florida is a great place to buy a home. Give me a call and I will help you stay on stable ground!
My wife and I love football and we were Miami Dolphins fans until the Bucs came to Tampa and now we are die-hard Tampa Bay Bucs fans…through the good, the bad and the ugly, this Super Bowl was worth the very long wait between Super Bowl wins! Even though we didn’t get to celebrate with all our friends this time due to the pandemic, we ate just as much junk food and consumed as much wine as always. Did you know that the Super Bowl is the second-largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day? In addition, the Super Bowl has frequently been the most-watched American television broadcast of the year.
If you are a football fan...read on! Here’s a bit about the history of our favorite sports day of the year and about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
According to Wikipedia, the NFL officially formed in 1920, but the Super Bowl didn’t happen until more than 40 years later. In 1960, a group of businessmen who wanted to own football franchises—but were denied by the NFL—decided to launch an alternative league, known as the American Football League (AFL). For several years, the NFL and AFL were gridiron rivals, competing for fans, players and support. Then, in 1966, owners negotiated an agreement to merge the leagues by 1970.
The first Super Bowl took place on January 15, 1967, and included the NFL’s Green Bay Packers against the AFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. The game was held at the Los Angeles Coliseum, and even though ticket prices averaged just $12, it was the only Super Bowl that didn’t sell out. (We were offered tickets to this 2021 game for only $10,000 each!) That first Super Bowl game aired on two different networks and drew in an audience of more than 61,000 fans. The Packers outperformed the Chiefs, winning 35-10. The next year, the Packers decisively won again in Super Bowl II, defeating the Oakland Raiders 33-14. Many began to question whether the AFL teams could hold their own in the NFL. But the next year, the AFL’s New York Jets, led by quarterback Joe Namath, defeated the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III. Super Bowl IV was the last game played between the two leagues, and the AFL’s Kansas City Chiefs beat the Minnesota Vikings, 23-7. The popularity of the event continued to grow after the leagues integrated. With the rise of cable TV, the Internet, and other entertainment options, the country rarely pauses to watch or follow the same event, except in cases of national tragedy. But the Super Bowl is an exception.
According to Britannica, The Buccaneers were established in 1976, and they posted a lousy 0–14 record in their initial season in the NFL. After playing their first season in the American Football Conference (AFC), the Bucs moved to their current conference in 1977. The team’s losing ways continued in the NFC, as Tampa Bay did not record the first win in franchise history until December 1977, and its 26-game losing streak remains an NFL record. These early Buccaneer teams were notable for the presence of future Hall of Fame defensive end Lee Roy Selmon and for their charismatic head coach John McKay, whose many quips about the team’s failures endeared him to football fans nationwide.
Led by quarterback Doug Williams, in 1979 the Bucs, to the surprise of most of us, won 10 games and qualified for the postseason, where they advanced to the conference championship game but lost to the Los Angeles Rams. Tampa Bay went on to playoff berths in both 1981 and 1982, before falling back to the bottom of the conference standings with a 2–14 record in 1983. The 1983 campaign began a dubious streak of 12 consecutive seasons that saw the Buccaneers post double-digit loss totals.
We began to turn it around in the late 1990's as head coach Tony Dungy built one of the best defenses in the NFL, featuring tackle Warren Sapp, linebacker Derrick Brooks, and defensive backs John Lynch and Ronde Barber. The Bucs made four postseason appearances in the five seasons between 1997 and 2001, but the offensively limited team scored fewer than 10 points in each of its four playoff losses in that span, and Dungy was fired in early 2002 despite his regular-season success
Then the Buccaneers hired head coach Jon Gruden to improve the team’s offense, but it was our top-ranked defense in the league that helped the team post a 12–4 record in 2002 and upset the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFC championship game the following January. At Super Bowl XXXVII the Bucs soundly defeated the Oakland Raiders 48–21 to capture their first championship.
The Bucs missed out on the postseason the following two years but returned to the playoffs after the 2005 and 2007 seasons, both of which ended in opening-round losses at home. A late-season collapse by the team in 2008—the Bucs lost four consecutive games to close out the season which led to the firing of Gruden and a massive coaching, management, and roster turnover in an attempt to rebuild the franchise from the ground up.
Although the Bucs won 10 games in 2010 (but missed out on the playoffs), that rebuilding effort ultimately proved unsuccessful. The team followed this with a surprise hire of college coach Greg Schiano, who was fired at the end of the 2013 season. The Buccaneers rebuilt around young quarterback Jameis Winston, and the team posted its first winning record in six seasons in 2016 (9–7). However, that revival was short-lived, and the team posted consecutive 5–11 records in 2017 and 2018.
The Buccaneers shocked the football world in the 2020 off-season when the team signed old man quarterback Tom Brady in free agency, ending his 20-year career with the New England Patriots. Brady immediately showed that the Bucs’ talented roster was simply missing solid quarterback play, as Tampa Bay won 11 games to earn a playoff berth. In the postseason the team ran off three straight road victories to advance to the second Super Bowl appearance in franchise history. The Bucs SOUNDLY defeated the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl to win their second championship!
We hope next season brings back our tailgate parties and many more wins...and who knows? Maybe another Super Bowl win! GO BUCS!
Each time I drive by the Sarasota Bayfront, it reminds me of how much the area has changed throughout my lifetime in Sarasota. My wife Liz’s family goes back almost four generations in Sarasota and Manatee County and she remembers old family stories of a yellow house which belonged to her Uncle Zeke, just south of Church of the Redeemer. This was long before that WWII sailor kissed the dental assistant (no, she was not a nurse!) on V-J Day in 1945. Of course Uncle Zeke’s Florida cracker house has long since been replaced by a high-rise condominium…across the street from Unconditional Surrender!
J. Steward Johnson’s giant kissing statue parked alongside U.S. 41 has been beloved and despised in Sarasota since it first appeared in that spot for a temporary visit in 2005. The 26-foot-high statue depicting George Mendossa, a World War II sailor kissing a woman, Greta Zimmer Friedman, on V-J Day in 1945 and inspired by an iconic photograph, has had its detractors but it’s undeniably popular.
Sarasota's Bayfront Park has had the "kissing sailor" statue has surrendered their spot several times. In 2012, a car struck it, knocking a hole about the size of a microwave oven out of the sailor’s foot. The anti-statue folks got a few months’ reprieve before the repaired smooching duo were returned to their prominent pedestal. Tourists and locals alike flock to it, passing their cameras off to someone who can capture their efforts to replicate the giant figures’ pose. The statue has also been the backdrop of many protests and marches, including the 2016 Women’s March, which saw thousands gather at the Sarasota Bayfront park. The “Unconditional Surrender” statue has also attracted the attention of vandals. On April Fools Day in 2015, someone added a pink substance, made to resemble chewing gum, to the heel of the woman.
In 2019, the statue made national headlines when someone spray painted ”#MeToo” across the man’s legs the day after George Mendosa, the sailor depicted in the photograph that inspired the statue, died. Although the original image of Mendosa kissing Greta Zimmer Friedman has long been heralded for epitomizing the joy shared throughout the world upon the ending of hostilities in 1945, it has come under scrutiny, with many accusing Mendosa of assault. But in a 2005 interview, Friedman’s son said the kiss was nonconsensual, but that his mother understood it was a “jubilant act,” telling the New York Times that she did not view the kiss as an assault at all. On that day, they threw anything and kissed anybody in Times Square!
So whether or not you think our kissing statue is art, it is certainly popular…maybe more so than the road construction of new roundabout which caused its latest move! And if you would like a bird's eye view of Unconditional Surrender, I can help you find a great condo on the Sarasota Bayfront!
Here is a great video about the kissing couple and how they ended up on the cover of Life Magazine!